All Components - Perfection Group
Page Intro (with Title enabled)

This module can has a couple of settings

  • Title can be disabled/enabled, in order to use the body area as “middle” content
  • Custom Colors can be toggled on, adding the ability to add an image background (or change it’s color), and text color assignments

Here’s an example with the Title disabled

Custom text

This body text area is a full WYSIWYG field.

And here's a version with custom colors

Custom options include:

  • Background color
  • Background image
  • Title
  • Excerpt
  • Sub-header
  • Description


(The following modules are 2 instances of the “Image” module: the first with default width, and the second with full-width enabled)


Module ID

Page Code


Selectable Content Module

This module is for multi-page content.

Module ID for Multiple Instances of Selectable Content

At the very top of the CMS module is an “ID” field. This allows for multiple instances of this module, since it also uses modularized JavaScript for each instance.

Each instance needs to have it’s own unique ID within the page. This means it’s okay if each page has a Selectable Content module with the same ID on different pages, this just needs to be modified if there are more than one on any page.

Page Code

This field is required and needs to be a unique alphanumeric code that is used as an ID to associate the nav button to the page to be displayed.


There are a few styles of CTA’s to choose from (and they should all be available throughout the modules):

  • Orange
  • Orange-Filled
  • Text Link

Module ID for Multiple Instances of Selectable Content

At the very top of the CMS module is an “ID” field. This allows for multiple instances of this module, since it also uses modularized JavaScript for each instance.

Each instance needs to have it’s own unique ID within the page. This means it’s okay if each page has a Selectable Content module with the same ID on different pages, this just needs to be modified if there are more than one on any page.

Some caption text.

Custom Text

Half Slides Module

This is a multi-page module that allows for an accompanying image per page.


This body text is using WYSIWYG editor.

In addition, our same types of CTA’s are available to use here.

Orange-Filled w/Dash
Text Link

Here’s some text without the Title

  • Bulletpoint 1
  • Bulletpoint 2
  • Bulletpoint 3


This body text is using WYSIWYG editor.

In addition, our same types of CTA’s are available to use here.

Orange-Filled w/Dash
Text Link
Half Slides Selection


Text Link





Footer Link

Halves Module

This module has 2 slots to play with.

Each slot is assigned a mode:

  • Overview
  • Photo
  • Bullets
  • WYSIWYG Block
  • Photo + Link

This half is the Overview mode. The other half is set to Photo.


This content is aligned to the right content margin. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, putent eripuit ut vix, ut cum dolore fastidii offendit. Te mei fastidii suscipit

Bullets mode

1 CTA per bullet is available.

We can also change the background color of this module

This one is set #fafafa

Bullet text 3

An icon (or tiny image) in PNG format can be added above the Title

Text Link

And here’s a bunch of WYSIWYG text

  • Point 1
  • Point 2
  • Point 3

More text

Bullet List

A simple bullet list

Bulletpoint #2

Bulletpoint #3

Bulletpoint #4

Bulletpoint #5


Block #1

Full Color Images can be used to work with this color treatment, so no worries about color specs when considering image assets!

Test Link

Block #2

Here’s a WYSIWYG field for content

  • Point 1
  • Point 2
  • Point 3

Block #3

Here’s a WYSIWYG field for content


Block 1

A little bit of text

  • Bulletpoint 1
  • Bulletpoint 2
  • Bulletpoint 3

Block 2

Block 3

Block 4

Caption Text
Caption Text
Caption Text
Caption Text
Caption Text

Content Sorter module

This Module has the following modes:

  • Sort (a filter system that displays all post types (including custom)
  • Pages (nav items display corresponding “pages” of content)
  • Chapters (one-page content functionality, where nav items scroll to their connected pieces of content)

When this module is in Page mode, it is used for multi-page content.
Chapters can be thought of as a one-page that scrolls to content within it.
Sort is a filter system that won’t be covered here, as it is primarily used for entire pages. Refer to Case Studies CMS page to see how it is set up.


In the CMS module, this page’s content is created using a WYSIWYG editor under Content Sorter > Nav > Category Items, and is attached to the Overview field with a unique Item ID.

Example of Text Content

Content Sorter module

This Module has the following modes:

  • Sort (a filter system that displays all post types (including custom)
  • Pages (nav items display corresponding “pages” of content)
  • Chapters (one-page content functionality, where nav items scroll to their connected pieces of content)

When this module is in Page mode, it is used for multi-page content.
Chapters can be thought of as a one-page that scrolls to content within it.
Sort is a filter system that won’t be covered here, as it is primarily used for entire pages. Refer to Case Studies CMS page to see how it is set up.


There are 2 types of Chapters:

  • WYSIWYG editor
  • Bulletpoints

This content is a WYSIWYG type.

Bullet 1

Bullet text goes here

Bullet 2

Bullet text goes here

Bullet 3

Bullet text goes here

Bullet 4

Bullet text goes here

Bullet 5

Bullet text goes here

Child One Content

Child Two Content

Video Block

Example of video description text


SO many good things to say!

Company Name



SO many good things to say!

Company Name



SO many good things to say!

Company Name



SO many good things to say!

Company Name



SO many good things to say!

Company Name


Grid Items (2 Columns)
Title Here

Title body copy

Title Here

Title body copy

Title Here

Title body copy

Title Here

Title body copy

Title Here

Title body copy

Grid Items (3 columns), Not Contained In Block
Title Here

Title body copy

Title Here

Title body copy

Title Here

Title body copy

Title Here

Title body copy

Title Here

Title body copy

Grid Items (4 columns)
Title Here

Title body copy

Title Here

Title body copy

Title Here

Title body copy

Title Here

Title body copy

Title Here

Title body copy

Title Here

Title body copy

Title Here

Title body copy

Contact Us module

Here’s where the company’s location info goes:

12345 XXXXXXX St.


1 : 3 WYSYWIWYG component

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, cum at melius maluisset. Quo et saperet impedit dissentiet, his no case oporteat adversarium, eam habeo velit eligendi ut. Meis doctus fuisset eu vis.

  • bullet
  • bullet
  • bullet
  • bullet

Left side content:

  • Text Block
  • Icon Group
  • Link


Here’s where the company’s location info goes:

12345 XXXXXXX St.



1 : 3 Info & Content

Right side content is a full WYSIWYG editor.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, cum at melius maluisset. Quo et saperet impedit dissentiet, his no case oporteat adversarium, eam habeo velit eligendi ut. Meis doctus fuisset eu vis.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, cum at melius maluisset. Quo et saperet impedit dissentiet, his no case oporteat adversarium, eam habeo velit eligendi ut. Meis doctus fuisset eu vis.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, cum at melius maluisset. Quo et saperet impedit dissentiet, his no case oporteat adversarium, eam habeo velit eligendi ut. Meis doctus fuisset eu vis.

custom text
Content Width Photo & info )top-justified, photo first)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, cum at melius maluisset. Quo et saperet impedit dissentiet, his no case oporteat adversarium, eam habeo velit eligendi ut. Meis doctus fuisset eu vis.

Content Width Photo & Info (bottom-justified, content first)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, cum at melius maluisset. Quo et saperet impedit dissentiet, his no case oporteat adversarium, eam habeo velit eligendi ut. Meis doctus fuisset eu vis.

Custom Text
Why did the chicken cross the road?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, cum at melius maluisset. Quo et saperet impedit dissentiet, his no case oporteat adversarium, eam habeo velit eligendi ut. Meis doctus fuisset eu vis.

How many licks does it take to get to the end of a tootsie pop?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, cum at melius maluisset. Quo et saperet impedit dissentiet, his no case oporteat adversarium, eam habeo velit eligendi ut. Meis doctus fuisset eu vis.

Item Showcase






Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, cum at melius maluisset. Quo et saperet impedit dissentiet, his no case oporteat adversarium, eam habeo velit eligendi ut. Meis doctus fuisset eu vis.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, cum at melius maluisset. Quo et saperet impedit dissentiet, his no case oporteat adversarium, eam habeo velit eligendi ut. Meis doctus fuisset eu vis.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, cum at melius maluisset. Quo et saperet impedit dissentiet, his no case oporteat adversarium, eam habeo velit eligendi ut. Meis doctus fuisset eu vis.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, cum at melius maluisset. Quo et saperet impedit dissentiet, his no case oporteat adversarium, eam habeo velit eligendi ut. Meis doctus fuisset eu vis.

News Intro & Body
October 13, 2023

Lorem ipsum

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, cum at melius maluisset. Quo et saperet impedit dissentiet, his no case oporteat adversarium, eam habeo velit eligendi ut. Meis doctus fuisset eu vis.

  • et per elit quas
  • cu haruet per elit quas unt pro.
  • Ea malis aperiri duo, a

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